Don't be mistaken, the sandwich still exists. I choked one down a mere moments ago. But it was the last until Wendy's rights the wrong they have committed. Give me back my bun!!!
I knew things would never be the same once Wendy's got purchased by those Arby's sons of bitches. But to my surprise, Wendy's stayed strong and kept providing me with stellar spicy chicken sandwiches. Until Tuesday night. Tuesday night, I stopped to grab one on the way home and something wasn't right. The bun was just...meh. I chalked it up to stopping late and probably getting something I don't even want to know about. Cut to today and the first day of non-catered lunch this week. Cut to today and my second awful spicy chicken. It's the same damn bun. And if you don't think the bun is that big of a deal, please look at that picture above again. Shit's like all bun. Why do you all of the sudden just change a bun?
Apparently because you've got a REAL shitty new ad campaign. I know it's real when I taste my favorite sandwich for the past decade and want to spit it out. I'm not sure why trying to re-brand your burgers to keep up with everyone else means putting the new hamburger bun on your chicken sandwiches. Wendy's, you've gone and taken a big crap on my heart, which is actually pretty psyched at the news I won't be eating these anymore.
So yeah, Wendy's has new buns. I think they taste like crap and have a sticky-ish texture. They will be retaining the old, familiar buns for small sandwiches like the Jr Bacon and such.
You're right, they did ruin their buns. They now taste like a mouth full of cornmeal. Bleech. Sons-of-bitches is right.
The new buns are DISGUSTING. They taste like glue with a hint of honey. I e-mailed them to tell them how gross they are and I hope you do the same.
I thought I was crazy when I noticed the buns were different. They're kind of chewy, like they've been microwaved, and the taste is different. But the sticky nature of these buns is what I really don't like. I end up with bun pieces stuck to my fingers.
I'm glad I'm not going crazy. I just don't understand the stickiness.
You can still request your sandwich on a "regular" bun instead. This is what I have been doing.
They have a newer bun now without the corn dusting that is awesome, but it's only in test markets. They are even toasting the new bun. I hope it makes the cut at all Wendy's.
I absolutely agree. The new bun is crap. It falls apart while you're eating. They have ruined my favorite hamburger. I won't eat at wendy's ever again until they change it back. Corporate bastards screw everything up.
I first encountered the new bun last week.. I thought the meat was bad or something ..it tasted horrible! Just as they kicked butt in the French fry area ..they ruin it all by changing their buns :(
Good News! You can still order it on a regular bun. I have to do it every time because the new one is terrible.
I'm pissed..I moved to arizona from new jersey last year. There are very few wendys out here..they just opened a wendys last month around corner from my house. I was so excited, and now that these buns have been changed, im pissed. They taste like shittttttt.
The new buns are horrid. They change the taste of the entire sandwich, which has been slightly changed and tweaked over the years to be awesome. Now some FatCAt deuchbag in an office somewhere decides to change the entire flavor of the sandwich to save 1 cent per wich. Sit in your overpaid positions and weild your swords, give me back the good bun. Not some wannabe butter roll...YUCK
I totally agree with this!!!!!!!!...... The bun tastes like shit
Yes. I have been going to Wendy’s since my aunt took me to a Wendy’s in Pittsburgh, PA back in 1978. It was my favorite burger of all the fast food burger chains. It was different, old fashioned, and oh so good. Frequent Wendy’s since always craving the burger and the memory of my aunts special treat for me. Fast forward. I went to Wendy’s in Monrovia, CA craving childhood memories and knew immediately something was wrong with the burger. Everything, even the taste of the awful bun, and the entire burger condiments made me slightly nauseated after I ate it. Now I read Wendy’s has changed its burgers making them ‘better.’ Yea, right! Awful, awful, awful!! I will make my own burger or frequent my second favorite Fat Burger. So long Wendy’s burger, R.I.P.
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